Temperature Averages

Averages for Prague in March

March temperatures tend to be much warmer than those of February. Some days can experience highs of up to 12 °C, with an average of 7°C (that’s about 45°F).

You will still need your winter coat in Prague during the March evenings as temperatures can dip below freezing, with average night-time temperatures of –0°C (32°F).

The month of March in Prague is, on average, one of the least rainy months of the year.

Prague Average Temperature: 3°C

Average Minimum Temperature:  –1°C

Average Maximum Temperature:  7°C

Average Precipitation/Rainfall:  23 mm

Wet Days (>0.1 mm):  12

Average Sunshine Hours/Day: 4.9

Average Number of Days with Frost: 12

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