Temperature Averages

Averages for Prague in November

November sees temperatures in Prague plummet as winter rolls around again. It is still an excellent time to visit the city as November is packed with various festivities and things to do.

The average daily temperature only gets up to around 5°C (that’s about 41°F) and can fall to 0°C (about 32°F) at night.

It is a good idea to pack hot clothing such as jumpers and jackets. There is a chance of rain, so a waterproof raincoat or an umbrella is advisable.

Prague Average Temperature: 3°C

Average Minimum Temperatures:  1°C

Average Maximum Temperature:  5°C

Average Precipitation/Rainfall:  26 mm

Wet Days (>0.1 mm):  12

Average Sunshine Hours/Day: 1.8

Average Number of Days with Frost: 5

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